What is PDO Portal ?

What is PDO Portal ?

PDO portal will allow you to view the data of PM-WANI users. PDOs can view the total number of end users who joined and payments collected from the end users. This portal will be only accessed by registered PDO of Immunity Networks & Technologies Pvt Ltd. PDOs can access this portal from any internet connection using any device for example (Mobiles, Computers, Tablets, etc.) By validating their registered email ID and password. 
Note* Only PDOs can access the PDO portal using their registered email and password. 

How to access the PDO portal:- 

1> Access https://pdo.pmwani.net/login or click here using any browser.
2> Insert your registered email id and password. 
3> Click on the Sign-in button. 

4> A dashboard of the PM-WANI device will be displayed on your screen. 
5> Dashboard will show you analytics of your PM-WANI device. 
6> User activation data will show in the number of users activated.

Features of PDO portal:-
1> AP Monitoring 
2> PDO Location 
3> Internet Plans 
4> User Payment 
5>WIFI Sessions  

1> AP(access point) Monitoring:- 
PDOs can monitor their access points by direct login into the PDO portal. The access point monitoring feature will help PDOs to navigate the location of their access points and monitor the status of access points, whether the access points' status is online or offline. 

If AP  Status is offline:-

There are several reasons for access points to be offline but 2 common reasons are as follows:- 
1> interrupted power to the access point.  
2> interruption in internet Connection to access point. 

2>PDO Location:- 
PDOs can keep the track of their location by accessing the feature of PDO location. PDO Location feature shows the exact location of the AP'S  with their status and the owner name also you can create your personal ESSID from here 

Key Feature of PDO Location:- 

1> Name of the location 
2> full Address of the Location 
3> City where the APs are installed 
4> Owner of that Location 
5> Create personal ESSID

How to create a Personal ESSID? 

1> Login to https://pdo.pmwani.net/login or click here
2> Click on the pm-wani option at the left sidebar 
3> choose PDO Location option 
4> Click on the manage option on the access point to which you wish to assign your personal ESSID. 

5> Insert your ESSID name. 
6> Insert the password for the ESSID 
7> Click on Finish. 

3> Internet Plans:- 
The Internet plans feature helps PDOs to view the active plans set by Immunity Networks & Technologies Pvt Ltd. These plans are standard plans across India. 

4>User Payment:-      

User payment features help PDOs see payments received by PM-WANI users. This function also shows the other details of the User such as:- 
1> Phone Number on which payment is done 
2>Location of the PM-WANI WIFI 
3> Owner of the PM-WANI WIFI (PDO)
4> Amount selected by the user 
5> Internet Plans selected by the user 
6> time of the payment 
7> Status of the payment  

5>WIFI Sessions:-
WIFI session features help PDOs to view the number of sessions generated in their PM-WANI WIFI. WIFI Session gives detailed information about the session such as:
1> User Name 
2> Phone number of the user 
3> Mac address of Device on which user has access Free Lotus WIFI 
4> Session ID note* Every session has its unique session id 
5> Start time of the user 
6> End time of the user 
7> Download data consumed by the user 
8> Upload data consumed by the user 

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